Request for Proposal (RFP) - International Policy & Ocean Governance Consultant

7 days ago
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Who we are

Global Fishing Watch is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing ocean governance through increased transparency of human activity at sea. By creating and publicly sharing map visualizations, data and analysis tools, we aim to enable scientific research and transform the way our ocean is managed. We believe human activity at sea should be public knowledge in order to safeguard the global ocean for the common good of all. 


Project background

In 2023, the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement) was adopted by the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction convened by the United Nations. It was hailed as a victory of multilateralism, and the hope is that it will help address the current multicrisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Against a background of fragmented ocean governance for different sectors, the BBNJ Agreement is seeking to address the numerous, varied, and cumulative human impacts on BBNJ, (such as fishing, mining, climate change, pollution, oil and gas development, wind farms etc.) in a more coherent way. Currently, the Agreement is in the process of being signed and ratified by States and will enter into force “120 days after the date of deposit of the sixtieth instrument of ratification, approval, acceptance or accession”, and the first Conference of the Parties (main decision-making body) will convene within one year after entry into force.

While some aspects of the Agreement are already clear, such as the main issues and cross-cutting issues it is supposed to address, many aspects of procedures and content still remain to be developed and are likely to substantially shape the implementation. Countries are learning about the Agreement and establishing their positions and how to implement it. In the meantime, valuable time for the ocean is passing by or being lost. Especially the relationship between the BBNJ Agreement and other relevant instruments, frameworks and bodies (IFBs) is unclear and has a high potential for leveraging or hindering implementation. Calls are widespread for elements of the Agreement to start being implemented even before it enters into force.

Hence this is a critical time in the development of this framework for the next decades. It is important to provide inputs now as process being set up and support transparency and equity aspects, effectiveness of marine protected areas(MPAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs), support governments who want to collaborate with Global Fishing Watch, and make the most of observers’ ability to participate in the process. 

GFW is therefore seeking a consultant to support its strategy and position development on the role of technology and transparency in the BBNJ Agreement, and best ways to leverage options for engagement by observers. 


Assignment Description

This assignment aims to scope how the technology and transparency work being pursued by GFW now and in the future (via additional funding) can support the BBNJ Agreement.

The assignment will identify key gaps in implementation of the Agreement that can be filled with GFW’s tools, and collate examples from Exclusive Economic Zones EEZs or transboundary situations where similar goals have been achieved. In particular, the focus will be on area-based management tools (ABMTs), incl. MPAs in support of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Target 3 (in all its elements, see description, beyond spatial extent/coverage), along with capacity building and transfer or marine technology (CBTMT) and cross-cutting issues around financing and implementation/compliance.

 It will also map out opportunities for GFW to advance this work with funders across various intersecting themes of fisheries and biodiversity, such as the concept of sustainable use, core objective of the CBD and subject of a recent global, cross-practice knowledge synthesis (IPBES, 2021). 

  • Supporting position development based on the use of open data and technology tools for the BBNJ Agreement, covering ABMTs (incl. MPAs) as primary but not exclusive focus, see below list of priority areas for GFW.
  • Internal capacity building via training on BBNJ issues and the BBNJ Agreement
  • Support to fundraising /proposal writing, including mapping of potential opportunities with funders and some background on freedom of the high seas vs. common heritage of humankind aspects relevant to the Agreement.


Priority areas for GFW: 

  • ABMTs, incl. MPAs in areas beyond national jurisdiction, based on the goals and impacts of GFW’s strategic plan 
  • CBTMT, as GFW actively pursues a capacity development and technology transfer strategy
  • Cross-cutting issues (e.g. implementation & compliance, dispute settlement)
  • EIA, incl. the role of the Agreement in curbing IUU fishing in the high seas (using GFW support)



This assignment will be conducted in collaboration with Global Fishing Watch and build on the consultant’s engagement with relevant international organizations, governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders. It will include the following outcomes:


  1. Advance strategic planning of BBNJ work for the organisation including: 
  • Positions on the establishment and management of Area-Based Management Tools (ABMTs), including Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in areas beyond national jurisdiction, aligning with the goals of the BBNJ Agreement and GFW’s strategic plan.
  • The role of technology. A prominent topic in the Agreement, technologies such as those being developed by GFW have high potential for supporting implementation of the Agreement in many aspects. 
  • The role of transparency. Guidance on how to interpret and implement BBNJ Agreement provisions that include transparency at various points (incl. an own article) explicitly and implicitly. 
  • Best practices on the use of open data for ABMTs/MPAs management, highlighting case studies and lessons learned.
  • Modalities for ABMTs. Options for starting before entry into force, including those already identified by other actors. 
  • Relationship to IFBs. Opportunities and risks we see in relation to RFMO interactions, BBNJ and fisheries regulations on IUU.  


The strategy should focus on how GFW can position itself to achieve its own Expected Outcomes (to be shared confidentially after the contract is established) in relation to its high level goals outlined in the Strategic Plan. 


  1. Enhance organisational ability to secure funding for initiatives related to the BBNJ Agreement, particularly those involving open data, technology, and capacity building which includes a brief towards funders, highlighting value proposition and potential impact based on the above strategy as well as on a mapping of:
    1. current major funders for BBNJ work.
    2. potential opportunities identified, based on funders’ scope and the above insights on the role that technology and transparency can play in the Agreement.


  1. Strengthen internal understanding and capacity to engage with the BBNJ Agreement, focusing on key areas such as ABMTs/MPAs, Capacity Building and Technology Transfer (CBTMT), and cross-cutting issues, including training materials, programme and delivery for four 1h webcasts to GFW staff outlining the main findings of the Strategy. 


The Consultant will propose a plan of work that includes desk studies, (interviews if needed), and availability for a series of briefings (webcasts) that will be provided to Global Fishing Watch staff to communicate the deliverables. 


  1. GFW BBNJ strategy (internal-facing) and positions capturing priority areas stated in the scope of work based on a mapping of the use of open data technology and transparency for the BBNJ Agreement, modalities for ABMTs, relationship to IFBs.
  2.  ’Findings and recommendations’ brief (external-facing) suitable for funder dialogue, highlighting the GFW value proposition and potential impact. Based on mapping of potential opportunities with funders.
  3. Trainings for GFW staff on the BBNJ Agreement (main issues, cross-cutting issues, and how GFW tools can support the implementation of the agreement).

Timeline and profile:

A maximum of 20 days to be used over the course of 2-3 months between November/December 2024 and February 2025. 

The consultant is expected to complete the assignment within 10 weeks from the contract commencement date (between 15 November-15 December). 

It would be beneficial if draft deliverables were completed by 31 January 2025 for review, and final deliverables by the end of February 2025.


Location of work: Remote working with a flexible timezone, alignment calls and progress reports take place in CEST. 


The main competencies we are looking for include: 

  • a strong understanding of BBNJ issues and the BBNJ Agreement (ideally min 5y experience and attendance to 2 IGCs or previous BBNJ meetings), 
  • strong project management skills, 
  • a high level of organisation, 
  • written and verbal communication skills in English and 
  • comfort and experience in interacting with people (incl. interviews) from a variety of backgrounds and cultures in a respectful way.


Interested parties are invited to submit a proposal (via email to consisting of:

  • a cover letter, explaining interest and qualification for the consultancy including a description of previous experience with the types of work proposed in the request for consultants’ proposals.
  • a resume/CV
  • a proposed plan of work (Word document) outlining how the consultant intends to fulfil the responsibilities outlined in the previous section.
  • an associated budget (Excel file) 


Ethics and Confidentiality:


The consultant will be required to adhere to GFW's relevant policies and ensure that all data collection and analysis activities are conducted in a manner that protects the confidentiality and privacy of GFW partners data where necessary.