Carbon Containment Lab, Yale University

Educational Institute
New Haven, CT, USA
New Haven, CT, USA

Company Description

The CC Lab tackles the challenge of climate change by developing carbon containment methods that are low cost, safe and scalable. Anticipating that society will eventually establish policies and markets that compensate verifiable reductions in atmospheric carbon or their equivalent contributing to global climate change, the CC Lab will develop carbon containment solutions that can serve to fulfill those demands.

The CC Lab focuses on adapting and managing natural systems involved in sequestering carbon. It will design and test approaches modeled after natural processes, such as peat formation, that limit decomposition in the photosynthetic carbon cycle and ultimately concentrate and store carbon from plant matter underground or underwater. The CC Lab is also exploring opportunities to reduce natural methane emissions, and capturing carbon with rock weathering and petrification.

Yale’s programmatic strengths in economics, law, architecture, and health policy help guide project development to ensure effective and safe deployment of approaches and resources. Operating as part of the Yale School of the Environment, the CC Lab draws on the exceptional expertise and skill of Yale University faculty as well as the extraordinary talent and commitment of Yale alumni, students and staff. The CC Lab also actively builds partnerships with non-Yale organizations and efforts.

The CC Lab operates on an open-source basis and does not strive to monetize its carbon containment methods or intellectual property. At this time, the CC Lab is not a funding source for unaffiliated climate solution efforts.

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Carbon Containment Lab, Yale University
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Carbon Containment Lab, Yale University
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