infiniRel offers equipment health diagnostics for renewable energy plants to improve efficiency and profitability. Similar to an EKG for heart failure prediction, our high-resolution measurements create unique data offering unprecedented insight for improving output, optimizing maintenance, and extending the life of critical assets.
Our patented technology offers prescriptive diagnostics to global renewable energy developers and asset owners, combining signal-processing, proprietary algorithms, and resource-efficient Machine Learning.
Since 2019 the company has raised one million Dollars, including a finalist award from the Department of Energy-sponsored, and NREL administered American-Made Solar Challenge (2020), the prized Monterrey Bay start-up of the year award (2020), a grant award from the California Energy Commission (CalSEED, 2020), Cleantech Open Western Region Winner (2021), and was selected as one of eight hardware-based startups funded and supported by Chicago's mHUB accelerator.
Founded by Bert Wank, a semiconductor veteran who launched 14 successful power and battery management product lines for companies including Dallas Semi (acquired for $2.5bn by Maxim, then Analog Device) and Burr-Brown (acquired by Texas Instruments for $7.6bn), the team includes Andreas Schneider, former Director of Global Services for a leading inverter manufacturer (acquired by Siemens), and Marco Marazzi, VP Software Engineering, who came from JP Chase Morgan, before architecting and implementing a cloud infrastructure for a start-up that sold to Chicago-based Envestnet for over $30m. infiniRel's global leadership team are alumni from Thunderbird, the first U.S. school of international trade, founded in 1946.