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Scoot Science

Remote · USA

Company Description

Scoot Science is a California-based, remote-first startup founded in 2017 by a team of experienced oceanographers, agricultural economists, software engineers, and data scientists. We promote responsible and sustainable use of our oceans. 

Our team is dedicated to illuminating the linkages between ocean conditions and the ocean economy through operational intelligence, data analysis, and forecasting. Our goal is to give our customers the best insight into what’s currently happening, and what will be happening, in their coastal oceans. We give our customers a critical edge in marine operations, risk management, and long term planning by combining the best available ocean and atmospheric data with in-house analytics and visualization.

If you love the ocean and are excited about the intersection of technology, data, and operations... let’s talk.    

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Scoot Science
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Research & Education
Coastal & Ocean Sinks
Climate Adaptation

Drawdown Solutions

Water Quality Monitoring
Marine Permaculture
Ocean Farming