Tons of objects worth hundreds of dollars, in good or perfect condition, end up distroyed, burned or buried daily in landfills or recycling plants. By innovating it is possible to generate an incentive to give them a second life
Problem 1
The UX of "Stooping" (sharing photos and locations of discarded stuff on streets) on Instagram or whattsapp is horrible, require many manuall tasks and information is disorganiced.
Solution 1
Publish an Ad of a photo and coordinates of abandoned valuable stuff on the streets on 15 seconds, other users see a list of abandons ordered by location and can click a button to open google maps and go to the exact coordinates.
Problem 2
Most thrift stores, garage sales or circular economy stores organizations (traperos de emaus, rastro remar, goodwill, salvation army...) hasnt their catalogs digitized because their differential value is to be able to touch and feel something live before buying and there isnt a good digital product that highlights this experience and helps them to boost their business.
Solution 2
A digital list of thrift stores, circular organizations stores or garage sales profiles nearby and their catalogs, makes tasks easier for their clients and boosts their business: buying, selling, negotiating, donating, request furniture pickup from their homes ... becomes easier.
We are centralizing thrift stores and circular organizations stores catalogs and chats on an App to decentralice and scale their bussines model so anyone can create a circular economy market in his garage. Make money and save the planet.