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Gulf of Maine Research Institute

Hybrid · Portland, ME, USA

Company Description

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) pioneers collaborative solutions to global ocean challenges. Our dynamic fusion of science, education, and community gives us range to effect change from multiple directions, while our objectivity and commitment to collaboration make us the go-to organization for marine communities grappling with contentious issues, management transitions, and new business systems.

GMRI unlocks science mysteries to inform better decisions about how we steward, use, and enjoy our precious ocean resources. We work with fishermen to develop tools that let them fish smarter and get more value for their catch. We open doors to think about new sustainable and renewable uses of the marine environment. We are making a long-term investment in science literacy as the cornerstone of a 21st century ocean economy by providing programs to ignite the curiosity, ambition, innovation, and problem-solving potential of Maine's next generation.

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Gulf of Maine Research Institute
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Research & Education
Coastal & Ocean Sinks
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use

Drawdown Solutions

Marine Permaculture
Ocean Farming
Sustainable Intensification for Smallholders