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Hyfe Foods

In-person · San Francisco, CA, USA

Company Description

Petrochemicals account for 7% of global emissions and are projected to drive over a third of the growth in oil demand by 2030, surpassing sectors like aviation and shipping. By 2050, an additional 7 million barrels of oil per day will be required to meet the rising demand for plastics, fertilizers, and other essential products. Despite its massive environmental footprint, the petrochemical industry remains an overlooked contributor to climate change.

At the same time, over four billion tons of plant biomass waste are generated globally each year—containing more than enough carbon to replace petroleum-derived chemicals entirely. Biorefineries convert this biomass into platform chemicals, such as glucose, ethanol, and organic acids, which serve as building blocks for producing plastics, solvents, and fertilizers. In harnessing the carbon potential within biomass, this technology enables a direct pathway to displacing petrochemicals and represents a significant opportunity to reduce emissions and build a sustainable, circular economy. Unlike traditional biorefineries, Hyfé leverages food processing waste, such as grape pomace and carrot peels, which are rich in high-value specialty chemicals. By extracting these components, Hyfé achieves 5X revenue than traditional outputs, enabling platform chemicals to be competitively priced and biorefineries profitable at any scale.

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Materials & Manufacturing
Food, Agriculture, & Land Use

Drawdown Solutions

Reduced Food Waste