National Park City Foundation

Hybrid · London, UK

Company Description

National Park City is the longterm grassroots movement for people making their cities greener, healthier and wilder.

When we reimagine our urban areas as National Parks, we’re able to tell different stories about how we might live in cities.

Cities where people and nature are better connected. Cities rich with wildlife, where every child and young person benefits from exploring, playing and learning outdoors. Cities where we all enjoy high-quality green spaces, where the air is clean to breathe, where it’s a pleasure to swim in the rivers and where we can all live lives that are more harmonious with ourselves, our communities and our planet.

Together we can make of our cities greener, healthier, wilder and fairer places to live.

Together we can make our cities National Park Cities.

Jobs (1)

Community Director
National Park City Foundation
Advocacy or Policy
Research & Education

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National Park City Foundation
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