Project Drawdown

Remote · St Paul, MN, USA

Company Description

Project Drawdown is the world’s leading resource for climate solutions.

Our mission is to help the world stop climate change – as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible. To do this, we pursue three key strategies:

  • Advance Effective, Science-based Climate Solutions and Strategies: We do the science no one else does to cut through the noise and find effective “whole system” solutions and strategies for stopping climate change.
  • Foster Bold, New Climate Leadership: We inform, inspire, and empower business leaders, investors, and philanthropists to take bold, new positions, act more strategically, and rapidly bring climate solutions to scale.
  • Promote New Narratives and New Voices: We work to shift the conversation about climate change from “doom and gloom” to “possibility and opportunity” and elevate new, underrepresented climate heroes through storytelling and “passing the mic.”

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Drawdown Solutions

Abandoned Farmland RestorationAlternative CementAlternative RefrigerantsBamboo ProductionBicycle InfrastructureBiochar ProductionBiogas for CookingBiomassBioplasticsBuilding Automation SystemsBuilding RetrofittingCarpoolingCoastal Wetland RestorationCoastal Wetland ProtectionCompostingConcentrated Solar PowerConservation AgricultureDistributed Energy StorageDistributed Solar PhotovoltaicsDistrict HeatingDynamic GlassEfficient AviationEfficient Ocean ShippingEfficient TrucksElectric TrainsElectric BikesElectric CarsFarm Irrigation EfficiencyForest ProtectionGeothermal PowerGrassland ProtectionGreen and Cool RoofsGrid FlexibilityHealth and EducationHigh-Efficiency Heat PumpsHigh-Speed RailHigh-Performance GlassHybrid CarsImproved Clean CookstovesImproved Rice ProductionIndigenous Peoples’ Forest TenureInsulationLandfill Methane CaptureLED LightingLow-Flow FixturesManaged GrazingMethane DigestersMicro Wind TurbinesMicrogridsMultistrata AgroforestryNet Zero BuildingsNuclear PowerNutrient ManagementOcean PowerOffshore Wind TurbinesOnshore Wind TurbinesPeatland Protection and RewettingPerennial Biomass ProductionPerennial Staple CropsPlant-Rich DietsPublic TransitRecycled PaperRecyclingReduced Food WasteRefrigerant ManagementRegenerative Annual CroppingSilvopastureSmall HydropowerSmart ThermostatsSolar Hot WaterSustainable Intensification for SmallholdersSystem of Rice IntensificationTelepresenceTemperate Forest RestorationTree IntercroppingTree Plantations (on Degraded Land)Tropical Forest RestorationUtility-Scale Energy StorageUtility-Scale Solar PhotovoltaicsWalkable CitiesWaste-to-EnergyWater Distribution Efficiency