Pollima is a CO2 negative furniture company using hemp byproduct as a wood alternative. Pollima was born out of the collective sense of urgency towards a healthy environment. We can all do something for the good of the planet and it can start with buying products that you know fit your values. The word, Pollima, was created to represent the Pollination of Materials. At Pollima, our mission is to support the circular economy by positioning sustainable materials as the most popular and easiest choices for companies and consumers. By using regional byproducts for new materials and products, we will see systemic environmental impact worldwide. We envision a society where abundance is pervasive and where waste creates more beauty, not less.
Home Energy Rating Software improving energy efficiency in 20% of new US homes annually.
About 20 hours ago
Home Energy Rating Software improving energy efficiency in 20% of new US homes annually.
About 20 hours ago
Home Energy Rating Software improving energy efficiency in 20% of new US homes annually.
2 days ago