Custodian of the Common

4 months ago
Part time role
In-person · Zürich, ZH, CH · Copenhagen, DK... more

Apply for the custodian program, and get rewarded for making a difference.

More information here

Apply here

More than a job

The movement attracts individuals who want to use their skills to help protect our most valuable common resource – the environment. Custodians are driven by purpose; to fix our economic system so it places a value on our most prized asset – our planet. 

Custodians are motivated, skilled and adaptable people that work hard to solve the greatest challenge of our age. 

Custodians understand what creates real value - making climate impact. In return the movement aims to make it possible for people to do important work and to be rewarded for the impact they create. 


As a Custodian of the Common you will find:


  • A Passionate and driven community

Be part of a network of custodians willing to share their wisdom, time and expertise to help new custodians create sustainable impact in their areas and grow their rewards.


  • Development and opportunity

Receive training for your assignment; knowledge, skills, and opportunities to develop and grow the impact and rewards you can make.


  • Challenging and meaningful work

You’ll have the opportunity to make a real and measurable difference by being directly responsible for facilitating carbon reduction; by doing work that’s professionally challenging, fast-paced and offers great variety. 


  • Independence and freedom

Operate on your own terms.  Custodians operate as a coalition of independent volunteer freelancers who pursue a shared purpose. Set your own goals and decide when to work – it's up to you.