Local Consultant - Senegal National Taxonomy

3 months ago
Full time role
In-person · Senegal... more

The Climate Bonds Initiative (Climate Bonds) is an international investor-focused not-for-profit organisation working to mobilise global capital for climate change solutions. The project seeks to support Senegalese partners with the development of the country’s national taxonomy.  The ultimate long-term goals of the project and of the taxonomy are: 


  • To develop standardised definitions for sustainable economic activities and sustainable investments to attain priority environmental and sustainability goals; 
  • To increase the country’s attractiveness to responsible investors, including those pursuing impact-investing strategies in the domestic and international arena; 
  • To support the growth of domestic sustainable finance markets; and 
  • To enable tracking and reporting of public expenditures and private investments addressing specific sustainability issues, based on categories that are technically sound and aligned with international best practice. 


The project will  provide specialised professional services to support the development of Senegal's national taxonomy including capacity-building, governance structure and technical criteria support. 


Purpose and Objectives 


The Consultant is expected to provide support to the Head of Taxonomies with the delivery of the Senegalese taxonomy development in collaboration with GIZ (the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit). 


Scope of Services and Deliverables/Outputs 


The tasks under this consultancy are outlined below as well as the number of days per task. The project will be conducted from 01/06/2023 to 31/10/2025 and will use up to fifty (50) business days of the consultant, to be split into the outputs according to the below: 


Expected Outputs & Number of Days 


  1. Capacity-building support - Up to 4 days 
  1. Governance support - Up to 12 days  
  1. Technical support - Up to 34 days 


TOTAL: Up to 50 days 

Timeframe and Milestones for expected Deliverables/outputs 


Expected Outputs & Completion Date


  • Delivery 1: Spreadsheet of relevant private and public institutions and experts with diverse knowledge in relevant fields including defined objectives - September 2024 
  • Delivery 2: ToRs/mandates for different levels of the governance structure (e.g., Taxonomy Steering Committee, Taxonomy Working Group, and Technical Expert Group) - September 2024 
  • Deliverable 3: Training material design for two training sessions, in addition to training delivery, all based on the partners’ needs and considering the topics already taught by GIZ, including power points, post-training survey, and capacity building report - September 2024 
  • Deliverable 4: A taxonomy framework report (White Paper), according to the template to be developed by Climate Bonds Initiative, including the objectives, scope, key principles, sector selection, and taxonomy alignment approach of the proposed taxonomy. The White Paper will form the basis of the actual taxonomy document and will be based on desk research to inform sector studies. With relevance to the selected sectors, the consultant needs to undertake a thorough examination of Development policies; Sectoral strategies; Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC); The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); The Global Biodiversity Framework commitments - November 2024 
  • Deliverable 5: Coordination with potential members of expert groups and steering committee - September 2024-October 2025 
  • Deliverable 6: Sectoral report for up to up to four sectors, highlighting key activities material to climate change and describing the methodology for working with each sector within the taxonomy. This document will be based on in-depth sectoral studies, including a review of policy instruments, selection of economic sectors (sector priorisation based on NDC, investment opportunities, GDP, GHG emissions), stocktake of existing activities, mapping against industrial codes and proposes set-up of the taxonomy - June 2025 
  • Deliverable 7: Technical Screening Criteria for the activities in the selected sectors and corresponding Do No Significant Harm and Minimum Social Safeguards - June 2025 
  • Deliverable 8: Prepare materials for consultations (narrative overview, Q&As, feedback form, and a specific email to collate the public consultation responses) and Excel spreadsheet listing all the comments and feedback received as well as the answers proposed by the project team - June 2025 
  • Deliverable 9: First draft of Taxonomy (3 to 4 sectors) - June 2025 
  • Deliverable 10: Feedback incorporation into the second draft of the taxonomy - August 2025 
  • Deliverable 11: Incorporate feedback from public consultations and final draft of the taxonomy – October 2025 



The consultant should have the following skills and experience:  

  • Relevant background in taxonomy;  
  • Knowledge of sustainable finance and policies in Senegal;  
  • 7/8 years of experience in working with climate finance and funding;  
  • Strong written and analytical skills;  
  • Fluency in English and French 


Climate Bonds will pay the Consultant a daily rate fee of EUR300. Thus, the budget for this consultancy is up to EUR15,000 (fifteen thousand euros) referring to a maximum of fifty (50) days of work. This amount does not include travel costs. In case there are any extra costs, these will be covered separately and only expenditure for reasonable, approved, and documented costs agreed with Climate Bonds’s Head of Taxonomies is allowable.  


Payments will be made quarterly upon (i) submission by the Consultant and approval by Climate Bonds of the deliverables described in item 4, following the proposed timeline; (ii) presentation of monthly timesheets at the end of each calendar month detailing the work undertaken, the time spent on each task and the corresponding payable amount for each period, following Climate Bonds' template.