SCM Specialist

about 1 month ago
Full time role
In-person · New Taipei City, TW... more
  • Cross-functional communication and maintaining supplier relationships for determination of material requirement.
  • Preparing proposals, requesting quotes, comparing between sources, negotiating purchase terms and conditions, issuing purchase orders and agreements.
  • Actively pursuing improvement with domestic and international suppliers by continuously observing performance, resolving issues and evaluation quality.
  • Exploring opportunities from alternative materials and potential suppliers.
  • Maintaining warehouse cleanliness, storage area and inventory stock.
  • Performing periodic physical counting and preparing balance and shortage reports to inventory stock.
  • Goods receiving, inspection and dispatching in a document-compliant manner.
  • Emergency case handling and delivery acceptance abnormality following up for goods return, replacement, and refund, as well as delivery delay tracking.
  • Performing routine clerical miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned in support of SCM, such as data entry, answering and assisting internal inquiries, documentation to adhere SOP and ISO compliance for procurement and supplier management, creating supply roadmap and unit cost analysis.
  • Acting autonomously to maintain work area in accordance with 5S+1 principles in continuous improvement, collaborative teamwork spirit and accountability.
  • Deputy for SCM team members and other assignments by SCM supervisor.
  • 跨部門溝通及維繫供應商關係。
  • 執行詢比議價、談判採購條款、發訂單和協議等採購流程。
  • 觀察國內外供應商配合之績效、解決問題能力和評鑑其服務質量。
  • 探索替代貨源和潛在供應商。
  • 維持庫房清潔,櫃位規劃與物料庫存。
  • 進行例行性盤點,確認庫存物料之進出盈虧和短缺狀態,予以報告。
  • 依循文件流程收驗貨並分派貨物。
  • 緊急案件處理和到貨驗收異常追蹤 (退貨、換貨、退款等) ,以及延遲交貨催貨作業。
  • 執行供應鏈部門之日常文書雜項工作相關職責,例如數據輸入、回答和協助內部詢問、符合標準作業流程及品質管理系統之文件紀錄及表單留存、建立供應鏈狀態分析及單價漲幅分析等。
  • 貫徹5S+1 (分類、整理、清潔、標準化、維持、安全) 原則維護工作環境,並持續改善、具團隊協作精神與個人主動的責任感。
  • 適時作為供應鏈管理部門成員之代理人,或其他主管交辦事項。