Engineer Trainee-3

3 days ago
Full time role
In-person · Beihai, Guangxi, CN... more

主要职责 Major role and responsibilities:

  • 区域安全,遵守安全准则,规范佩戴PPE;

Safety in area, and follow safety guidelines, wear PPE properly;

  • 遵守各项规章制度;

Be compliant with rules and regulations;

  • 区域5S;

5S in area;

  • 确保产品安全;

Ensure product safety;

  • 在主管/辅导员的指导下,确保生产运行的工艺可靠性;

Ensure process reliability in operations with guidance from supervisor/coach;

  • 在主管/辅导员指导下,纸板厂范围内的工艺进行调研和跟进,确认并提出工艺改进建议;

Study and follow up all production processes in Board Mill, and propose improving proposals with guidance from supervisor/coach;

  • 在主管/辅导员的指导下,与打浆工段、纸板厂和实验室协作跟进浆的质量;

Cooperate with pulping section, board mill, and lab to follow up and ensure pulp quality with guidance from supervisor/coach;

  • 在主管/辅导员的指导下,与纸板机生产工程师及工厂其他部门密切合作,并推进工艺整合与优化;

Work closely with production/process engineers and other functions, to integrate and improve processes with guidance from supervisor/coach;

  • 在主管/辅导员的指导下,参与新产品开发过程中涉及的相关工作;

Participate and take required responsibilities during new products development with guidance from supervisor/coach;

  • 在主管/辅导员的指导下,对生产和维修中各类问题的解决提供支持;

Support problem solving in daily production and maintenance with guidance from supervisor/coach;

  • 在主管/辅导员的指导下,协调持续改进项目,并跟进实施进展;

Coordinate and follow up the continuous improvement projects with guidance from supervisor/coach;

  • 在主管/辅导员的指导下,对给定任务的整体效率和成本控制进行计划与跟踪;

Plan and follow up the overall effeciency and cost control for assigned tasks with guidance from supervisor/coach;

  • 与工作职责相关的其他工作,并服从部门的工作安排。

Other work related tasks.

岗位要求 Job Requirements: 

  • 学历要求:大学本科或同等程度,制浆造纸、机械/电气/仪表/自动化专业;应届本科毕业生优先;

Education requirement: BSc or equivalent with major in pulp & paper, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, automation; and fresh university graduate is an advantage;

  • 良好的沟通技能;

Strong communications skills;

  • 语言要求:普通话和英语流利;

Language requirements: Fluent in English and Mandarin;

  • 可以接受灵活的工作时间安排,并具备良好的承压能力;

Flexibility in working hours and good stress tolerance;

  • 对新事物有较强的求知欲和接受能力;

Strong willingness and capability to learn;

  • 能够适应倒班工作;

Work in shifts;

  • 良好的团队精神、结果导向与协商技巧。

Team player, results oriented, and negotiation skills.