At Air Products, our purpose is to bring people together to reimagine what’s possible, collaborate and innovate solutions to the world’s most significant energy and environmental sustainability challenges. Grow with us as we embark on building tomorrow together by being the safest, most diverse and most profitable industrial gas company in the world.
Reimagine What’s Possible
Air Productsda bizning oliy maqsadimiz dunyodagi eng muhim energiya va atrof-muhit barqarorligi muammolariga innovatsion yechimlarni taklif qilish uchun insonarni birlashtirish, bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan narsalarni qayta tasavvur qilish va hamkorlik qilishdir.
Dunyodagi eng xavfsiz, eng xilma-xil va eng daromadli sanoat gaz kompaniyasi bo'lish orqali ertangi kunni birgalikda qurishga kirishar ekanmiz, biz bilan birga rivojlaning.
Imkoniyati bor bo'lgan narsalarni qayta tasavvur qiling
We are looking for a Controls Engineer to join our team based in Karshi. You will report to Control and Instrument Engineering Lead and will be responsible for providing instrumentation (control) support to the Air separation Unit (ASU) and Auto Thermal Reformer (ATR) and Steam Methane Reformer (SMR) plants at Qarshi GTL Uzbekistan Gases facility.
As the Control Engineer you will:
Provide Instrumentation (control) support for Air Separation Unit (ASU), Auto Thermal Reformer (ATR) and Hydrogen production facilities.
Support commissioning activities under the guidance of Lead Control & Instrument Engineer.
Perform routine preventative maintenance on automated equipment including DCS, SIS, PLC.
Maintain and repair PLC devices to ensure that they work properly with other equipment.
Responding to, troubleshooting, and repairing equipment breakdowns to reduce equipment downtime.
Perform routine tasks, such as, system backups and recovery.
Conduct function test, loop test.
Replacing IO modules, power supplies, system cables, etc.
Monitor and maintain hardware and systems.
Provide Technical support to operation team.
Cleaning the cabinet filter.
Provide Controls input to risk assessments with guidance from Lead Control & Instrument Engineer.
Support Lead Control & Instrument Engineer for the preparation of Lock out and Tag Out (Isolation requiring review) of control Panels.
Supports incident investigations, with guidance of Lead Control & Instrument Engineer.
Supporting startups / shutdown activities and non-standard process activities.
Supporting turnarounds with inspections, testing and preventive / corrective / predictive maintenance tasks.
Provide input to Lead Control & Instrument Engineer so that they can work closely with the Technical team to develop and optimize plant control and advanced control systems which will provide stable operation whilst driving plants to their optimum position.
Supports in identification of opportunities for improving plant performance with respect to power saving, production capacity and plant reliability with the guidance from Lead Control & Instrument Engineer.
Supports compilation of data to external vendors or suppliers under the guidance of Lead Control & Instrument Engineer.
Participate in process safety and EH&S, acts as a role model for members of the team, displays leadership in BSP / Safety activities.
Keep up to date with safety initiatives and ensure compliance on site.
You will have:
An accredited formal Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Oil & Gas Engineering supplemented by a minimum of 6 years’ experience as a Controls engineer working in a plant operations role.
Supplemented by the following:
Experience working with plant Instrument (control) systems and advanced control systems
Experience in troubleshooting plant operations, with excellent analytical skills and the ability to follow a logical work process to reach a solution. Experienced in Root Cause Analysis.
Controls engineering knowledge of Air Separation, Gasification and/or Hydrogen Production
Languages – Uzbek, Russian and English proficiency, both oral & written.
Good written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills across all levels (technical and non-technical)
Work conditions and benefits package
Competitive salary (upon agreement after interview) and job conditions
Salary is paid twice a month in Uzbekistan sums
Annual performance bonus
Work schedule: 8 hours per day, 5 days a week (Monday – Friday)
The workplace is located on the territory of the plant in Karshi, Kashkadarya Region
When relocating to Karshi a housing allowance is provided to an employee to rentan apartment (the allowance amount depends on the number of employee's family members)
Assistance with relocation (managing all required migration documents and relocationof the employee and family members to the place of destination)
Annual leave – 21 calendar days. The company also provides additional leave of 7 calendar days per year
Life and health insurance for employees (including prescription medication)
Corporate canteen for plant employees
Shuttle bus from Karshi to the plant and back
Long service awards as a loyalty bonus
Wellness allowance
Bank Holidays Bonus
Unique experience of working in a global company and the opportunityto develop further in international projects
Thank you in advance for your interest in Air Products! We are convinced that it is our talented employees who help us grow and achieve results.
We will be glad to see you in the team!
We are the world’s largest hydrogen producer with over 80 years of industrial gas experience. We are hydrogen and industrial gas experts delivering safe, end-to-end solutions, investing in real, clean energy projects at scale, and driving the industry forward to generate a cleaner future.
At Air Products, we work in an environment where we put safety first, diversity is essential, inclusion is our culture, and each person knows they belong and matter. To learn more, visit About Air Products.
Biz 80 yildan ortiq sanoat gaz tajribasiga ega dunyodagi eng yirik vodorod ishlab chiqaruvchimiz. Biz vodorod va sanoat gazi bo'yicha mutaxassislarmiz, xavfsiz, boshidan oxirigacha yechimlarni yetkazib beramiz, keng miqyosda haqiqiy, toza energiya loyihalariga sarmoya kiritamiz va sanoatni toza kelajak yaratish uchun oldinga siljitmoqdamiz.
Air Products - da biz xavfsizlikni birinchi o'ringa qo'yadigan muhitda ishlaymiz, bizda xilma-xillik muhim, inklyuzivlik bizning madaniyatimiz va har bir inson Kompaniyga tegishishliligini va muhimligini biladi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun - Air Products haqida -ga tashrif buyuring.