Settlement Specialist
In-person · Milan, Lombardy, IT... more
In-person · Milan, Lombardy, IT... more
Job Description
The Settlement Specialist (“Settlement Specialist”) of MET Energia Italia S.p.A. (“MET Italy”), reporting to the Settlement Manager, will be responsible of managing the Operations, Logistics and Settlement activities vis-à-vis the Gas and Power TSOs and to ensure that all activities are carried out in full compliance with the existing Network Codes and are fully optimised. In addition, the Settlement Specialist will be responsible of defining the Gas and Power volumetric balance (“Bilancio di materia”) and to support Billing with reference to the Transport and Dispatching components.
In particular, the Settlement Specialist key responsibilities will be:
- to provide support into the signing and management of the Gas Transport Contracts (Contracts, Guarantees, Capacity Trades);
- to manage all the settlement activities with reference to sourcing agreements and to the actual and forecasted quantities sold and their related tariff components, the gas balancing and the annual and multi-annual settlement sessions (“Sessioni di Aggiustamento”);
- to manage the Power settlement activities with reference to the access to Mercato Elettrico Italiano GME and to the actual and forecasted dispatching charges;
- to perform the Bilancio di Materia for both gas and power;
- to support MET Italy Billing Team with reference to the Gas and Power Transport and Balancing components;
- to manage the commissioning process with focus on automatize and innovate the system used;
- to perform all the regulatory obbligation connected with MET Italy commodity and contract management, and with Remit regulation.