Consultant for NTFP sustainable harvesting, Value Chain Analysis and livelihoods Study

about 2 months ago
Full time role
In-person · Attapeu, Attapeu Province, LA... more

Objective: The consultant will conduct a comprehensive analysis of selected non-timber forest product (NTFP) value chains in Nam Khong Protection Forest, Attapeu Province. The study aims to evaluate the potential for sustainable harvesting, income generation, and value addition, to generate livelihoods and reduce dependency on wildlife poaching. Recommendations will be provided for feasible interventions to improve value chains, enhance livelihoods, reduce effectively wildlife poaching and mitigate environmental degradation.

Methodology and Scope: Under SNV's supervision, the consultant will map and assess three NTFP value chains: Malva Nut, Nux Vomica, and Cobra Mushrooms. This includes analyzing supply sources, production areas, harvesting techniques, market dynamics, and governance structures. The study will also research the relation between wildlife poaching and NTPF livelihoods. The study will involve stakeholder consultations, field interviews, data analysis, and report writing. Recommendations will focus on sustainable harvesting methods, value chain upgrading, market linkages, and policy interventions.

Expected Outputs:

  • Proposed study plan and table of contents
  • Detailed value chain description and analysis
  • Mapping and assessment of supply sources and production
  • Market and financial analysis, including price fluctuations and cost analysis
  • Wildlife poaching analysis, livelihoods and behaviour change
  • Governance analysis and recommendations for improved regulation
  • Feasibility analysis of proposed interventions
  • Recommendations for sustainable resource management and market development
  • Draft and final reports, including presentation of findings to stakeholders

Implementation Timeline: The study is scheduled to be completed by the end of  July 2024 upon approval of the final report.