Consultant to develop last mile distribution strategy under LNOB Framework (only for Lao PDR based consultants)

about 2 months ago
Full time role
In-person · Vientiane, Vientiane Prefecture, LA... more


People living in rural and remote areas are not able to reap the benefits of the current market development approach. Due to scattered and low demand, service providers are reluctant to extend their services into those areas where the majority of people belong to vulnerable groups.  Lack of local service providers, high transport costs and low purchasing capacity of people are the hindering factors to access to technology. There is a need to develop a strategy to address these issues and make the technology and associated services available to all. 

Objective and Scope of the Works:

The consultant will work closely with SNV and its implementing partner ARMI to develop the last mile distribution and LNPOB approach to make the cookstove technology accessible to all. A brief outline of the LNOB approach is provided in Annex. Consultant will mainly work on the following three areas:

  1. Develop Strategy: The consultant will further work to develop a clear strategy which could enable people from LNOB group to access technology. The action plan includes the following, but is not limited to: Assessing the needs; identifying the right technology; financial model; infrastructure development; information and knowledge; capacity development; monitoring & evaluation, etc.
  2. Collecting Sales records and Verification: The consultant will work very closely with project field staff to collect the sales records from retailers and verification. Project field staff will collect the necessary information under the guidance of a consultant. Follow the steps provided for “non-targeted intervention” in Annexe 1.

List of working Provinces:

  1. Champasak
  2. Savanakhet
  3. Khammmouane
  4. Vientiane Capital
  5. Vientiane Province
  6. Luang Prabang
  7. Xiengkhoung
  8. Xayabury

3.       Reporting quarterly basis and releasing the incentives to retailers after verification.


  • Last Mile Distribution Strategy and LNOB approach
  • Retailer’s Format to keep Sales record
  • List of identified retailers from each province
  • Agreement with retailers to keep the sales record
  • Quarterly progress report, includes:
    • total sales records in the respective quarter (quarter-wise, village-wise)
    • %age of HHs from vulnerable groups
    • List of verified households
    • Proof of verification of vulnerable households from village authorities
    • Proof of incentives provided to retailers


The milestone for the assignment should be completed as per the below timeline. The total duration of the assignment should not exceed 30 working days in total (including travel days).


The consultant should provide the estimated budget specifying daily remuneration, transport, DSA and other sundry expenses, if any, with their letter of interest. Transport costs will be reimbursed as per actual expenses upon the submission of all bills and receipts.

Budget estimates should include incentives for all selected retailers to keep the record.

Terms of Payment

Payment will be made on a milestone basis.  The percentage provided in the below table indicates the budget for each milestone.


SNV will provide the relevant documents and introduce them to relevant stakeholders, project partners and field staff. SNV will support to identification and select the retailers to keep the sales record.  SNV and /or ARMI will coordinate at the field and set the time for the visit. SNV and/or ARMI key staff will travel together with the consultant in field.