Workshop Facilitator

about 2 months ago
Full time role
In-person · Kathmandu, Bagmati Province, NP... more

Scope of work

The scope of work for a facilitator conducting an ideation workshop encompasses various tasks and responsibilities which is outlined here:

Pre-Workshop Preparation

  • Define objectives by collaborating with SNV Nepal to understand the purpose and goals of the ideation workshop.
  • Identify the participants and their roles to tailor the workshop to their needs.
  • Choose appropriate methods and tools based on the workshop objectives and participants.
  • Develop and organize materials, including presentations, handouts, and any required technological tools.

Facilitation of the Workshop

  • Set the tone, establish workshop goals, and explain the agenda.
  • Conduct icebreaking activities to create a comfortable and collaborative atmosphere.
  • Facilitate brainstorming and other ideation activities, ensuring active participation and creativity.
  • Keep the workshop on schedule, allocate time for each activity, and provide timely reminders.
  • Adjust the agenda as needed based on dynamics of the group and unexpected challenges.
  • Promote an inclusive environment, ensuring all participants have the opportunity to share their ideas.
  • Facilitate group discussions to extract valuable insights, encourage collaboration, and resolve conflicts if they arise.
  • Utilize relevant tools for workshops, presentations, and collaborative activities.
  • Implement methods to capture and document generated ideas during the workshop.
  • Facilitate a discussion on the next steps after ideation, such as evaluation, selection, and implementation of ideas. Ensure that participants understand how their ideas will be further developed or utilized.
  • Any other similar activities in consultation with SNV Nepal team.