Call for Consultant: Writing, editing, and design

about 2 months ago
Full time role
In-person · Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, ET... more

Written and editorial tasks

In their written or editorial work, the consultant is expected to strictly apply SNV’s editorial and referencing instructions. It is also their responsibility to ensure that messaging across all deliverables is presented in a consistent and coherent manner.   

For this part of the assignment, the consultant will undertake any of the following, depending on the level of writing or editing agreed upon with the assignment’s supervisor:

  • Present written text in a succinct and accessible manner, rewriting based on the agreed content structure with the supervisor.
  • For substantive or content editing work, improve readability and overall presentation, rewriting complex, or wordy sentences.
  • Ensure consistency in argumentation, highlighting contradictory statements and potentially erroneous facts.
  • Fact-check information in diagrams and boxes, ensuring that numbers and information correspond to those presented in the main body text.
  • Align information in in-text citation and reference list, highlighting those that are missing or incorrect for the lead author’s completion.
  • Review and correct errors in punctuation, capitalisation, spelling and grammar, and syntax.

Deliverables include but are not limited to technical documents such as research studies, assessment and evaluation reports, briefs, factsheets, articles for the web, and social media texts.

To facilitate a smooth review process for written and editorial work, the consultant is requested to track changes for the supervisor’s review. For materials where the consultant serves as the writer, they will make sure to address all comments and feedback posed by SNV.

3.2       Design and layout

In their design and layout work, the consultant is expected to mostly adhere to EnDev’s brand guidelines. For infographics developed for and by SNV, the graphs will carry the colours and brand identity of SNV

For this part of the assignment, the consultant will undertake the following:

  • Layout and design select written materials on EnDev’s publication templates, which will be shared by the Regional MEAL Advisor.
  • Develop SNV-EnDev publication templates, e.g., brochures or briefs, following EnDev brand guidelines.
  • Transform and visualise text-based information, creating engaging infographics.

All designs and laid-out materials produced as part of this assignment will be delivered to SNV as follows:

  • For publications:
    • complete, open, and packaged InDesign publication files.
    • two formats: a press-ready file (with print bleeds) and a web-compliant interactive file (reduced size, complete with hyperlinks, and laid out in separate pages [not spreads]).
  • Infographics, diagrams, and other artwork found in publications:
    • open design files
    • in high-resolution PNG or JPG files

Deliverables include, but are not limited to SNV-EnDev branded publications (different types) and infographics, diagrams, etc.