Advisor for Livelihoods and Value Chains – Biodiversity Landscape Fund

about 2 months ago
Full time role
In-person · Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, KH... more
  • Coordinate and participate in value chain studies and market scans. Select promising value chains with untapped potential including agricultural and  non timber forest products.
  • Support to design effective interventions for improved market linkages, improved production and quality and increased equitable market access.
  • Support access to land and sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Identify and facilitate value chain development with companies, communities and government.
  • Coordinate and support local government, provincial government, services providers, company and local NGO to provide farmers with extension and capacity building to improve productivity, soil management, use of technologies, formation or strengthening of existing farmer groups, link with buyers, aggregation and business management.
  • Support development of business cases and access to finance for individual, group, agriculture cooperative and company levels.
  • Organise and facilitate multi stakeholder engagement and mechanisms to identify joint interests, trade-offs and agree on interventions to foster sustainable natural resource management, biodiversity conservation and uplifting of economic livelihoods and market opportunities.
  • Ensure achieving  gender responsive services and empowerment outcomes in the interventions.
  • Support where necessary other components involved in participatory natural resource access and use, ecotourism development, land use planning and access for communities.
  • Advise other partners on appropriate strategies, interventions and policy influencing
  • Replace or act as project manager for SNV Cambodia
  • Assist for project M&E and delegation visit at project site
  • Support for project visualization and communication activities