Local Service Provider Call to Proposal - Opportunities for Youth Employment - Phase II

about 1 month ago
Full time role
In-person · Harare, Harare Province, ZW... more

Prospective bidders are invited to repond to the call out for Local Service Providers for the anticipated Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE) Phase II.

SNV Zimbabwe, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation in Southern Africa (SDC) and anticipated from Embassy of Sweden in Harare (Sida), is intending to implement the Opportunities for Youth Employment (OYE +) project phase 2, which seeks to improve the livelihoods and prospects of 11,000 out of school youths (among whom at least 50% are young women) by creating 'green' jobs and entrepreneurship. The objective of the project is improved livelihoods and future prospects through “Green Employment” and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Agrifood, Renewable Energy and other emerging Sectors targeting 11 districts.

For detailed information please access the Request for Proposal on this LINK