Call for Proposal

29 days ago
Full time role
In-person · Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, KH... more

Partnership Objective and activities:

  1. Train farmers on improving rice yields through organic rice production
    • Training on organic standards and farm diary book to IBIS rice members
    • Distribution and monitoring of farm diary books to farmers
    • Pre-planting technique and rice seed production
    • Pest and nutrient management and demonstration
    • Land leveling training and demonstration of sowing methods
    • Harvest and post-harvest training
    • Collect data from demonstrations
    • Demonstrate small irrigation systems
    • Transplanting using machine
    • Conduct cover crop training, monitoring, and demonstration
    • Compost fertilizer training and demonstration
    • Farmer exchange visits to demonstrations using composting machines
  2. Support compliance with organic and IBIS rice standards
    • Training on Internal Control System (ICS) to VMN Inspectors
    • Conduct organic inspection (ICS stage 1)
    • Training on threshing record and Post-harvest Inspection to VMN committee members
    • Monitor harvesting-complete threshing record (ICS stage 2) and check paddy cleaning storage
    • Post-harvest Inspection (ICS stage 3)
    • Coordinate with national park rangers/conservation organisations on complying with conservation standards
  3. Facilitate Market Linkage:
    • Promote IBIS rice project and disseminate organic wildlife-friendly rules in 3 existing villages
    • Farmer registration and group forming
    • Farmer training on production costs, sales pricing, profit
    • Provide IBIS rice seeds under credit
    • Facilitate sale agreement and farmer’s contract arrangement with the IBIS rice company

The detail of Term of Reference can be sought to email: