Call for Proposals - Team building and management training DFCD project, Asia staff retreat

6 days ago
Full time role
In-person · Hội An, Quảng Nam, VN... more


The selected provider will design, manage and deliver group sessions - using range of exercises, techniques, games, discussions, etc. – with the result of improving teamwork and management.

As a result of the session, it is expected that the team members will:

  • Have affirmed the need for teamwork to ensure successful project outcomes. 
  • Jointly identify the criteria and triggers for good team working.
  • Reflected on past team performance, the “do’s” and do not’s
  • Agreed on how good teamwork should take place, identifying their own individual responsibilities and those of the other team members
  • Agreed on how to affront challenges (problems) with teamwork and modalities to address these within the team and/or individual colleagues
  • Be energized and motivated to go that “extra mile” for the team.


Time:                  October 7th – 8th in Hoi An.


  • Delivering two-half day sessions (Monday PM and Tuesday AM) focused on team building.
  • For 16-20 participants from different SNV offices in Asia and Head Office, from range of Asian and global nationalities.
  • Session to be delivered in English with all materials provided in English.