Biodiverse Landscape Fund Lower Mekong Consultant

2 days ago
Full time role
In-person · Thakhek, Khammouane Province, LA... more

Tasks for the Crop specialist

  1. Describe current farming/cropping systems in selected areas
  • In coordination with BLF team we will define clusters of villages to select a few villages to include in the analysis
  • Analyse land use, land holdings (size, soil types from secondary data/paticipatory soil classifaction), farming systems, crop components, crop & labour calender, agricultural production stategies, wealth ranking, and a GESI analyisis of the agricultural system.
  • Propose criteria for household segmentation and define hh segments and their strategies/farming practices.
  • Based on climate information identify possible climate risks and coping strategies following the 3A framework.
  • Describe impact of agricultural production systems on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and forest cover.
  • Present geographical maps of farming systems and its location in protection forests.
  1. Assessing Production performance and Sustainability.
    • Depending on the farming systems analysis we will select a number of priority crops – most probably cassava, rice and a third one. Analyse the various production aspects of the different crops, yield gaps, varieties, climate vulnerability. Analyse production sustainability, negative environmental impacts, soil nutrient depletion, deforestation.
    • Evaluate factors such as planting practices, pest management, and overall efficiency.
    • Analyse production costs, returns to labour, investment needs
    • Analyse farm production effects on food & nutrition security in terms of availability, stability, quality.
    • Determine strategies to enhance production practices in terms of productivity, income increase potential, and environmental sustainble practices.
  1. Crop Market System Analysis:
    • Describe and analyse the markets and value chain for the most important crops, including input suppliers, producers, processors, and consumers.
    • Identify market linkages, pricing mechanisms, product quality, gross margins, and distribution channels.
    • Assess market demand, supply, and pricing dynamics.
    • Assess value chain governance, formal & informal rules and regulations, market power concentration.
    • Identify options for value chain upgrading, improve value chain governance and equity and value chain sustainability.
    • Propose interventions to strengthen market connections, improve price stability, value addition/quality, aggregation, lower transaction costs, improved returns, and competitiveness.

Tasks Livestock Specialist


  1. Describe livestock systems in the selected areas
  • In coordination with BLF team we will define clusters of villages to select a few villages to include in the analysis
  • Analyse land use, land holdings (size, soil types from secondary data/paticipatory soil classifaction), farming systems, livestock components, agricultural calender, agricultural production stategies, wealth ranking, and a GESI analyisis of the agricultural system.
  • Analyse what livestock is held, by whom, where and for which purposes. Analse importance of livestock in social and cultural aspects. Assess the interdependency of livestock in the wider farming system, and its contribution to crop production and sustainability.
  • Analyse the negative/positive effect of local livestock production systems on forest cover, habitat degradation (terrestrial and aquatic), and biodiversity. Analyse zoonotic disease risks for wildlife and for domestic livestock.
  • Propose criteria for household segmentation and define hh segments and their strategies/farming practices.
  • Based on climate information identify possible climate risks and coping strategies following the 3A framework.
  • Assessment of livestock contribution to Green House Gas emission and realistic options for decreasing/lowering its footprint.
  • Present geographical maps of livestock/grazing systems and its location in protection forests.


  1. Asses livestock Management.
    • Based on the livestock farming system analsis we will prioritize a number of livestock to concentrate on. Analyse the various aspects of livestock production and management in the area, including feed production, feeding/grazing practices, disease management, care.
    • Identify bottlenecks, challenges, risks, and opportunities within the production process.
    • Evaluate factors such as feeding practices, health & disease management, and overall efficiency.
    • Analyse production costs, returns to labour, investment needs, cash flow needs for improved management & production practices.
    • Determine strategies to enhance production practices and address gaps that are affordable, applicable, and create market demand to fulfil the gap as service providers and supply chains. (propose technical/social/financial interventions and recommend the methodology to be used to implement in a cost effective, market based and sustainable way).
    • Analyse the gender roles in the production system, in the household decision making, livestock sales and provide recommendations if necessary to improve equity.
  1. Livestock Market System Analysis:
    • Analyse the livestock value chain, including input suppliers, producers, traders, and markets.
    • Identify market linkages, pricing mechanisms, product quality segments, price build up, gross margins, and distribution channels.
  • Assess market demand, supply, and pricing dynamics. (locally, nationally, internationally).
  • Assess value chain governance, formal & informal rules and regulations, market power concentration, risks of market collusion.
  • Assess animal welfare standards across local livestock supply chains, including at the smallholder rearing, transport and (if applicable) slaughterhouse supply chain tiers.
  • Propose interventions to improve productivity, price capture by farmers, lower transaction costs, improve climate resilience, reduce GHG emissions, increase gender equity, and lower deforestation risks.
  1. Recommend interventions for Integrated farming sustainability:
  • Assess the options for improvements for integration of livestock-crop farming systems, improve yields and returns and how these would diminish deforestation.
  • Asses these options for technical, social, and financial feasibility and provide clear market-based project intervention recommendations which enable VC actors/households to implement these improved practices.